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July 13, 2009
Senior Center Board Room

Members Present: Al Berg, Paul Challenger, Jim Dunn, Peter Lacy,Rick Bates, Glenn Gaudette, Marilynn Foley

The meeting was called to order at 7:05.

The Committee met to discuss the deficit in the F/Y 09 Legal Budget.

A motion by Rick 2nd by Paul to authorize the transfer of funds - $9,999.00 from the Vocational Education Budget and $5,960.00 from the Public Safety Budget to the General Fund for the Legal Budget deficit was voted in favor 4-3 (opposed Al, Peter, Glenn).

Al will send a letter to the town administration in anticipation of the F/Y 11 Budget for more explanation of the Legal Budget.

The annual ATFC meeting will be on October 24, 2009 in Franklin.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00.

Respectfully Submitted,
Marilynn Foley, Clerk